What is Enterprise SEO | BKA Content – Technologist

What Is the Difference Between Enterprise SEO and Local SEO?

Enterprise SEO is a global strategy that doesn’t target specific locations. Local SEO is commonly used to drive traffic to brick-and-mortar stores or answer questions about a specific region or location.

Local SEO is small-scale optimization. It uses longer keywords that often include specific locations to drive local users to the website. Small businesses that aren’t concerned with using the most competitive keywords benefit from local SEO. Large companies that want to appeal to a global audience should opt for enterprise SEO instead.

Because enterprise SEO competes with global sites instead of local ones, it benefits from using short, highly competitive keywords. It focuses on content expansion rather than making a sale by driving local traffic to a website.

Local SEO gives users specific information related to a location. It may help them find a service company in their area, or it may show them where to buy a certain product in a nearby location. Enterprise SEO, on the other hand, offers broader information. It works well for companies like Amazon and Forbes that have a global presence.

How Do You Succeed With Enterprise SEO?

The key to creating an effective strategy for enterprise SEO is the same as for traditional and local SEO. You must know your data, analyze your metrics, and tweak your strategy occasionally as needed.

First, make sure your page speed is on point. Users will move on to competitor websites if they spend too much time waiting for your page to load or can’t find the information they are looking for. 

You also need to look at the quality of your keywords to ensure you choose the best ones possible. Enterprise SEO allows you to select short, competitive keywords so you can compete directly with other large businesses.

You must also refresh content periodically. The subject can remain the same, but altering the keywords and adding current statistics builds credibility. Inserting new links into existing content is also helpful.

Finally, ensure that all of your content meets the best SEO practices on a scalable level. Combining pages with certain keywords into subdomains or producing new product descriptions for every page may be helpful. 

Analyze your strategy periodically so you know what is and isn’t working. This information allows you to tweak your enterprise SEO strategy as necessary so you can enrich your company.

Can Enterprise SEO Benefit Your Business?

If you want to do business on a global scale, you need enterprise SEO to take your website content to the next level. Ranking highly on search engines is essential for driving sales to your website, and BKA Content can help with all types of SEO.

Learn more about how our enterprise SEO solutions will help your business.

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