SEO for Bankruptcy Lawyers in 2024 – Technologist

Your law firm provides essential services to clients navigating bankruptcy and its complexities. You know its value — but if your website is part of the 96.55% of online content that gets no Google traffic, are you sure you’re reaching everyone who needs you?

Getting your site to rank high in search engines involves a detailed strategy. That’s where SEO for bankruptcy lawyers comes in, and we can help.

What Is SEO for Bankruptcy Lawyers?

Search engine optimization is the process of getting your firm’s site to rank higher in Google searches — as close to the top as possible.

If people in your city need bankruptcy services, they may search using keywords such as “bankruptcy lawyer near me,” “how to file for bankruptcy,” or “Chapter 13 bankruptcy.” Your website needs content that ranks for these terms for clients to find you.

There are two keys to getting your firm’s site to rank:

  1. Provide valuable content that your potential clients need.
  2. Ensure that search engines index your content and match it to your audience.

Fortunately, we know many SEO strategies that can improve your rankings.

Why Is SEO for Bankruptcy Lawyers Worth the Effort?

Total bankruptcy filings rose 13% in the 12 months ending Sept. 30, 2023. Many people now require the knowledge and experience your law firm provides. However, your competitors offer bankruptcy services, too — so how can you stand out?

SEO is what you need. It uses link building, social media management and blog tracking techniques to show people why your firm is the one for them.

Your practice must appear at or near the top of search engine results for users to easily find your website. With so many people using Google to get information on businesses — even to find a phone number or directions — ranking high in search results is crucial.

What Does Bankruptcy Law SEO Involve?

SEO uses a collection of strategies that optimize your website. You can enact an SEO campaign on your own or work with a company specializing in SEO.

Keywords (Used Correctly)

You may already know that keywords are essential to boosting your SEO. (Google’s blog is named The Keyword, so that should tell you something.)

However, simply adding random keywords in a bunch of places on your site doesn’t help SEO for bankruptcy lawyers. In fact, the practice goes against Google’s policies, and it penalizes you for unreadable, unhelpful content.

Search engines favor pages that use keywords naturally and provide helpful content for readers. The trick is using keywords optimally — enough, but not too much. It also helps to do keyword research and analytics to attract people who require bankruptcy law services.

If all this seems like a time-consuming task, we can help. We research the keywords that boost your site and create optimized pages to attract new clients.

Bankruptcy Law Blogs

Local seo for bankruptcy lawyers

Blogs bring traffic to your site and boost your ranking for relevant keywords. They are an excellent SEO tool. High-quality blogs educate your audience and provide value to readers, giving in-depth answers to questions your clients have. They also contain keywords, which ideally occur naturally in the content.

Your potential clients likely have questions on topics such as:

  • Getting started with a bankruptcy filing
  • Rebuilding credit after filing
  • Improving credit scores
  • Handling wage garnishment

These are great blog topics to boost SEO for bankruptcy lawyers. When you provide information and answers, you build audience trust. People view your practice as an authority in bankruptcy law.

Link Building

Research from October 2023 verifies that Google’s algorithm strongly favors high-quality content with links. Backlinks connect websites to each other. When another website links to yours, it shows a vote of confidence. The website’s creators find your content credible and valuable. The more backlinks you have, the higher your site ranks in search engines.

You can build backlinks by providing well-written, value-adding content. Other sites will naturally want to link to your page. You can also cite credible sources in your work and link to them. Quality examples include citing government statistics on the number of people filing for bankruptcy annually or a law journal article about changing regulations. Some of these sites may link back to yours.

You can also partner with a company that specializes in link-building. At BKA Content, we provide SEO for bankruptcy lawyers with white-hat linking services. We use relevancy, human engagement, custom outreach and other techniques to create high-quality links.

Social Media Management for Your Firm

It’s hard to miss the importance of social media today. The statistics are staggering — 4.8 billion social media users worldwide engage with it almost 2.5 hours daily.

Your social media presence is vital to your strategy to reach more potential clients. You can gain exposure by providing beneficial, authoritative information to social media consumers.

Link to your latest blog posts, introduce your attorneys or create short, informational videos about bankruptcy filing. Social media is an excellent way to show your target audience what you offer.

People often share social media posts on their pages, and if they share your content, it increases your reach — much like word-of-mouth advertising. Their contacts may see your firm as more trustworthy when a friend or family member has shared it.

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