What Are The Benefits Of Using Microsoft Teams for SMEs? – Technologist

Businesses have been using Microsoft Teams as a collaboration platform since its launch in 2017. The pandemic saw remote workers relying on its communication capabilities to speak to colleagues and clients and it has remained a core business tool as a result. Since lockdown, many organisations have integrated remote working into the operational processes, and Teams has enabled this degree of flexibility. While this is undoubtedly one of the main benefits of using this application, there are many other benefits for businesses using Microsoft Teams. Here we look at what the advantages are, and why it’s the communication platform of choice for many SMEs.

Project management support

Microsoft Teams has been integrated with talk management features, which can streamline projects and make them easier to manage. Users can assign tasks, track progress, and create plans that are aligned with colleague’s roles, as well as share files through specific channels. Team members will also be able to see other people’s responsibilities and deadlines to ensure projects stay on track and are completed on time. Because Microsoft Teams is compatible with Windows, Android, and iOS systems, it’s an accessible option for SMEs because employees can communicate across any device and keep up to date with projects regardless of the device they’re using.

Budget-friendly resources

Large enterprises often have IT resources in place that have been designed to suit the needs of the business. While this level of infrastructure isn’t always feasible, the reality is that the free version of Microsoft Teams has enough features to suit the needs of most SMEs. In addition to having tie-ins with Office programs such as Word, Excel, and OneDrive, it’s a budget friendly option that enables employees to communicate with others inside and outside their network. Although SMEs using Microsoft Teams will probably find that its capabilities are sufficient, there is the option to upgrade the subscription to premium versions of the platform if the commercial needs of the business change.

Improved recruitment options

If you use a program that enables employees to work from home, you’re more likely to recruit suitable candidates. Employers who use Microsoft teams for their businesses have a better chance of finding someone with the right skills and experience if they’re not limiting themselves to an individual who lives with a certain radius. There are of course plenty of jobs that require a physical presence onsite, but many SME roles can accommodate a hybrid approach thanks to collaborative platforms such as Microsoft Teams. By making the most of their features, as a flexible employer you’ll attract talent that supports the growth of your business because you can offer attractive working arrangements that aren’t restricted by location.

User-friendly experience

Compared to other collaborative platforms, Microsoft Teams has a reputation for providing a user-friendly experience. The interface combines features such as file sharing, chats, tasks and meetings, which employees can familiarise themselves with, without the need for extensive training. By having integrated business tools in one place, users have easy access to apps that boost their productivity and cut down on admin time. This makes it an effective choice for SMEs who wish to grow their business and engage workers without investing in costly resources.

Contact Neuways for IT support and advice

If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of using Microsoft Teams for businesses, or you’d like some advice on whether it’s suitable for your company, please contact Neuways and we’ll answer any questions that you have. You can send an email to hello@neuways.com or call us on 01283 753 333.


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