21st March | Become Cybersafe – Technologist

Welcome to the latest edition of the Cybersafe Cyber Threats Update, from the 21st March 2024. This is a weekly series in which we bring attention to the latest cyber attacks, scams, frauds, and malware including Ransomware, to ensure you stay safe online. Being aware of these cyber threats helps UK companies to gain cyber essentials certifications and keeps employees on alert for potential danger. If you need help with Cyber Security, contact Neuways!

Here are the most prominent cyber threats to businesses which you should be aware of:

London Mayor’s Office reprimanded over Data Breach

The London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (Mopac) faced repercussions from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) due to an internal error exposing the personal data of individuals who lodged complaints against the Metropolitan Police. Nearly 400 people were affected by this breach, with their sensitive information, including names and addresses, potentially being publicly accessible through Mopac’s website.

The error was caused by an internal employee. What this highlights is that a lot of cyber security errors can be caused by human error, and not necessarily just cyber criminals. Managed Security Awareness Training for employees is vital in helping employees look out for errors and to double check what actions they are taking and processing. Neuways spoke about the importance of administrative privileges in our recent podcast which you can listen to on the Cybersafe podcast. Ensure only necessary people have access to secure data. Even if they don’t intend to, a cyber slip-up could cost your business.

This incident highlights the critical importance of robust cyber security measures, especially for public sector organisations handling sensitive data. Regardless of the size of your organisation, as a business owner or CFO you should know the importance and sensitivity of the data hold, regardless of GDPR.

Managed cyber security providers like Neuways play a crucial role in preventing such data breaches. We offer expertise in implementing and maintaining cyber security protocols tailored to organisations’ specific needs, ensuring protection against potential threats.

Utilising services like Neuways can help mitigate risks and safeguard against data breaches, maintaining public trust and confidence in institutions handling sensitive information. Don’t be reactive in your approach to cyber security and data breaches, become Cybersafe and be proactive. Contact Neuways for help with Cyber Security.

Malware Detected in Organisation used by Companies all over the world

Fujitsu, a prominent global technology company, acknowledged a cyber attack that raised concerns about the potential compromise of personal and customer data. The company detected malware on several work computers, prompting an internal investigation into possible unauthorised access to sensitive files.

While Fujitsu swiftly isolated affected systems and initiated inquiries, it did not disclose specific details about the malware or the extent of the breach, leaving stakeholders awaiting further clarification. The lack of information about the compromised personal data and affected parties, including employees, corporate clients, or users of government technologies developed by Fujitsu, adds to the uncertainty.

Given Fujitsu’s extensive global presence and clientele, including government and private sectors, the breach’s significance is heightened. This is especially concerning given recent controversies surrounding Fujitsu’s involvement in erroneous convictions of U.K. Post Office workers. Despite enquiries, Fujitsu has yet to provide additional comments, raising concerns about transparency. The company reported the incident to Japan’s data protection authority but has not disclosed if similar notifications were made to other regulatory bodies, including those in the United States.

This incident underscores the importance of robust cyber security measures for multinational corporations like Fujitsu and the necessity of transparency in addressing such breaches to maintain stakeholder trust.

Utilising managed cyber security providers like Neuways who operate around the world can help prevent and mitigate such cyber threats, safeguard sensitive data, and maintain organisational integrity.

B2B Transport Company affected by Data Breach

The recent report of Cleshar, a multi-service provider specialising in the rail industry, being compromised by the Cactus ransomware group has sent shockwaves through the business community. This incident underscores the critical importance of cyber security for businesses, especially those dealing with sensitive data and operating in vital sectors such as transportation.

Cleshar’s situation highlights the severe consequences of cyber attacks, with the ransom demand reaching a staggering $1,000,000 (£854,035.57). The alleged compromise involves a vast array of critical data, including accounting, treasury, taxes, HR documents, payrolls, customer data, projects, contracts, drawings, R&D, legal documents, corporate correspondence, employees’ folders, database exports, backups, financial records, employees background reports, contracts, tenders, executive directors’ personal and corporate data, and engineering database exports.

Such a comprehensive breach poses significant risks to Cleshar’s operations and the confidentiality and integrity of its employees, customers, and stakeholders’ data. The repercussions of this breach extend beyond financial losses. The compromised data encompasses a wide range of sensitive information, from financial records to personal employee details and confidential contracts. The potential exposure of such data undermines Cleshar’s reputation and trustworthiness and exposes individuals to identity theft, financial fraud, and other cyber-related crimes.

Moreover, the disruption caused by the ransomware attack can have far-reaching implications for Cleshar’s ability to conduct its business operations efficiently, impacting project timelines, customer relationships, and overall productivity. This is why a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan is so important.

In light of this incident, it becomes abundantly clear that cyber security is not merely an option but an absolute necessity for businesses of all sizes and industries. Implementing robust cyber security measures, including regular data backups, network monitoring, employee training, and proactive threat detection, is essential to mitigate the risk of cyberattacks and protect sensitive data from unauthorised access or manipulation.

Moreover, partnering with trusted managed cyber security providers like Neuways can offer businesses specialised expertise and advanced technologies to safeguard their digital assets and mitigate potential risks effectively.

As businesses continue to digitise their operations and rely increasingly on interconnected systems and data, the importance of cyber security cannot be overstated. Investing in comprehensive cyber security strategies is not only a prudent business decision but also a fundamental responsibility to protect the interests of customers, employees, and stakeholders, ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of the organisation in an increasingly hostile digital landscape.

Contact Neuways for Help With Cyber Security

If you need any assistance with cyber security to become Cybersafe, then please contact Neuways and we will help you where we can. Just get in touch with our team today. We’re based in Derby but we work with clients all over the UK and can travel for your needs.

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